We’re all waiting for that wake up moment. We’re all waiting for that moment when someone taps us on the shoulder, shoves a gun in our hand and says, you’ve forgotten, but you’re a spy. Come with me, I’ll show you why you’re alive.

Waking Up: A Narrative

Almost EVERY narrative we have is about some character getting purpose thrust upon them,

It’s why we LOVE that narrative in our movies, books, and shows:

You’re a wizard, Harry

Blue pill or red pill?

Take the ring, Frodo

We don’t want to end the pain. That’s not what we actually want. We want to transmute the pain into purpose. We want to know that the pain is worth it.

When Nirmal Purja climbed the 14 tallest peaks in the world in 7 months, he did it even though it hurt. Even though it was agony.

As he says, “People today, if you ask them ‘Why do you go to the high peaks?’, they say, ‘Because it’s fun.’ I don’t believe them. It’s not fun. It’s a place where you have to learn to cope with pain because it’s painful.”

We climb mountains because it’s f***ing worth it.

So make the pain of your life worth it.