A preface: I can’t believe I’m writing this article. 3 years ago, I would have laughed myself out of the room if I mentioned the word “manifesting.” But here we are. I’m also trying to take the least “new-agey” approach to this, cutting the BS, and trying to speak a language that won’t make you roll your eyes. So here goes…

Manifesting will bring you whatever you want.

Or rather, it will bring you what you manifest.

Manifesting is the transition of source energy towards things. The translation of energy into matter. We are doing this all of the time, whether we are aware of it or not. We are always creating our reality. The reality that you look at, now, is a direct result of all of your manifesting, all of your subconscious creation. The obvious question you will ask is, “my reality is not perfect. Why would I create things that I do not want?”

The answer to this is that we are often unconscious creators.

Our power of creation is much more through our mind than our actions, an idea many of us find difficult to accept. We think that we create through our actions, but ponder the source of your actions. Many of them are unconscious, driven by actions and reactions long programmed. When your mom says x, you respond y. When your boss tells you to do z, you feel w.

Is the Javascript function a Creator? Of course not. The coder of the script is the Creator.

So our creation (i.e. your life) is little more than a program spitting out results. Your reality is not to your liking because of many subconscious influences on your power of creation:

Let me be clear…you are always creating, even in unconsciousness. It might be pain and negativity, but you are creating.